We have permission of the volunteers to post pictures and say a bit about them. To start there are pictures of Katharina or "Rina" (top left), Robbie (top right), Christian (bottom left), and Marian (bottom right). Rina is a volunteer from Germany/Switzerland, she is 20, she is very artistic. Robbie was at Corrymeela from January until December. He is from Ballycastle/England and is now living in Belfast hoping to study Social Work in September. Christian is from El Salvador, 28, and a journalist for a major newspaper in El Salvador. Marian is from Ohio, US, is 23 and has a psychology degree. I will continue posting more later. Any questions just post them.
Hi Jason and Niki, Just read your blog, we keep it in our favorites.Nice to see all the pictures. Its cold here so you are better off being over there. Shawn is going to see Marshall in Jasper this weekend.ttfn Diane
Hi Jason and Niki, Just read your blog, we keep it in our favorites.Nice to see all the pictures. Its cold here so you are better off being over there. Shawn is going to see Marshall in Jasper this weekend.ttfn Diane
Could you not have found a better picture of me??
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