Saturday, May 27, 2006

Spring at Camp

Hello all. We are currently enjoying a relaxing weekend in Calgary. These last three weeks have been exciting for Jason and reviving for myself. Jason has been busy writing devotions, painting posters, exploring and developing new camp opportunities, and enjoying the camp surrounding (especially when it comes to our new camara). I have been recouping sleep, painting, reading, and overall attempting to store up enough energy to make it through the next year and a half. I start my position, CIT (counselor in training) Director on June 5, my group of 18 CITs is shaping up to a fun one. Last weekend we spent time with Jason's family up in Banff and some time with Kari Enns and Amy Goerzen here in the city, boy was it hot. The weekend before that was Nathan's birthday, check out the size of the steak in his plate. The highlight of this past week as checking in on the Jeff and Ing's (camp managers) one hour old baby goats, there were also a pair of 3 weeks old goats...what fun they are.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Goodbye to Winnipeg, hello to The Rest of Western Canada

Time for an update. Well until this week the last two weeks found us on the constant move. On Thursday April 27th we handed over our keys to our first home, hopped into a very loaded down little truck and drove to Jason's parent's farm. We'll miss Winnipeg and hopefully Winnipeg will miss us. It was a great place to spend the first year of married life.
After successfully making it to the farm, we unloaded, stayed a day, and then hoped on the 11:30 (not the 8:30AM, as we had thought) grey hound bus to Calgary (via Edmonton of course). We arrived in Calgary at 11:30 in the evening, enjoyed some conversation with my parents, successfully made a disaster of our home in a hurried packing for the next morning and fell into a deep sleep. The next morning we were at the airport at 8:30 in the morning flying to Vancouver Island for a week to spend some time with my family. The week was a lot of fun. Besides giving my mom's family and Jason a better chance to get to know eachother we took long walks, bike rides, minigolfed, read, ate salmon, birdwatched...birdwatched...birdwatched. You get the idea. The Island was as enchanting as ever.
We drove directly from the Calgary airport to Edmonton with my family to attend songfest and more importantly to see Nathan's girlfriend, Bekki...this has become a family event. After Edmonton we were dropped off at camp. Jason started his Assistant Director position on Monday and is really enjoying it thus far. I am figuring out what to do with myself for a month off...something I have done for quite some time. Currently I'm in Calgary spending some time with my family, and trying to get our documentation in order.
Thanks to all who are checking. Starting in September there will probably be faster updates, but we'll try to be consistant through out the summer.