Sunday, July 25, 2010

Images of settling in Gulu

This is the day after we arrived in Kampala. Oola (in the middle) is our classmate from Gulu. He met us briefly in Kampala before heading to his placement in South Africa. We were reluctant to let him go after such a short visit. He was a fabulous guide, taking us around Kampala to collect some necessities (cell phones and Ugandan shillings).

This is on the bus ride up to Gulu. The most exciting part of the trip was coming across a group of around 30 monkeys all over the road...of course the driver didn't slow down at all.

This is the evening we arrived to find our house completely empty, including no electricity. This is the electrician out trying to hook up our house at around 9:00pm. Our headlamps came in handy.

We now have electricity probably around 2/3s of the time. By the time we get home in the evening and begin dinner it's often getting dark out. When the electricity is out in the evening this is what we look like cooking. It's a one burner gas stove in the middle of our kitchen floor. Karin is cooking using our kerosene lantern in this photo.

This is part of the left over of what used to be an IDP (internally displaced persons) camp not far from Gulu. Most people have either chosen or been forced to return to their lands at this point. Currently land is one of the most contentious issues here in Northern Uganda.

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