Thursday, August 06, 2009

Onward forward to Indiana

The next stage of our lives starts in precisely 6 days and an exciting stage it should be. As is true for most moves, we are largely traveling into the unknown. The first few weeks will be full of discovery.

I start orientation to the Masters program on the 16th. Jason will be filling out work permit forms during the first few days and then enjoying a holiday while waiting for the paperwork to come through. Mean while we'll discover what South Bend and Notre Dame have to offer, looking for furniture etc...

Things I'm looking forward to:
  1. Discovering who else is in my program (it's very international)
  2. Studying on a beautiful campus
  3. Having experienced advisors
  4. Building a new community

Our address for the next year is:

Apt. 227C E. Cripe St.

South Bend, IN



We'd love to hear from you as the year moves forward. Blessings to everyone.

In peace,

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