Monday, December 04, 2006

Interest in Ecology

Over the past couple of months I have developed a strong interest in ecology. I have had an interest in the wilderness for quite some time now, but recently I have now delved into studying ecology during my spare time. It all began when one of the group leaders listened to my interest in both theology and ecology and recommended a book to me by Sean McDonagh called The Death of Life: The Horror of Extinction that he spotted in the Corrymeela shop. It is a book by a Catholic Missionary Priest who has also done a lot of ecological study and awareness work. The book brought to light the most devastating environmental destruction that is going on in the world and in Ireland particularly as well as touching on the negative effects of a broken relationship between church and scientific communities. I was never one to read the news, but now I am starting to regularly check environmental news on BBC online. I have also led a worship based on McDonagh's book and continue to search for books on environmental topics. I have found one masters program that combines theology and ecology and that is through the University of Toronto. If logistics allow I hope to study there sometime.

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