Friday, October 27, 2006

Birmingham and Ballycastle

For the weekend Niki and I are separated by sea and country. Niki is in Birmingham, England attending a conference on Religious Rights and Wrongs in Contemporary Conflict, and I am in Ballycastle, Northern Ireland teaching people how to play Settlers. As we speak there are three Northern Irelanders playing a game of Settlers on their own. Before we came to Northern Ireland I don't know if anyone had even heard of the game.

As far as an update is concerned. Last weekend Niki and I stayed in Belfast mee'n Corrymeela friends and ge'n to know the ci'y a wee bit be'er. This past week I was hos'n and facilita'n a youth group taking a class in religious studies. Their sessions were fabulous and as a group they were good craic.

This weekend I'm on housekeeping and after Monday Niki and I are off until Friday. It seems to me that Halloween is a bigger event here than in Canada. At least in Ballycastle there is festivities all weekend right up until Tuesday.

1 comment:

Diedre said...

That's funny, I remember in Germany Halloween just plain didn't exist. We would go to the American Army Base if we wanted Halloween. They had St. Martin's day on November 11th where you would walk around the neighbourhood with lanterns and sing songs, and also Fasching (Carnival) in February when you would dress up in constumes.

Those memories made me think they didn't do Halloween in Europe, but maybe it's an English-speaking people's thing.