The last months have been busy and transitional. We have made many new friends through the summer program, but also have had to say many goodbyes. We will miss the people and the place and will remember stories of our time in years to come.
Currently we are on one last series of detours before heading home. August 28th was a particularly significant day because it marked our 2nd anniversary and our official leaving of Corrymeela. After leaving Corrymeela we spent a week travelling Ireland with Nathan and Kari starting from the North and finishing in the South. For Niki and I it was a time to see counties Cork and Kerry for the first time. We all spent a day walking, biking, and for Kari and Niki, horse-back riding. Right now we are in Spain in San tiago de Compostella getting in the mood for a week long walking pilgrimage. It is an ancient pilgrimage to the supposed tomb of saint James. Already we have seen many pilgrims with wooden walking sticks and clam shells.
Following the pilgrimage Kari and Nathan will head back to Canada while Niki and I head on to Rome and about a week later to Germany, London and finally Calgary.